
nbts icon aboutAbout Blood

The ABO blood group system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in 1900. 46 years later (1946) the Blood Transfusion Service was formed. In 1996 the National Blood Service was formed to collect and provide blood supplies for all the hospitals in Sri Lanka.

nbts icon components Components of Blood

When we receive your donation we separate it into individual components by spinning it in a machine called a centrifuge. The individual components are red cells, white cells, platelets and plasma. These can all be put to different uses.

nbts icon chow How does the Body Replace Blood

During a whole blood donation we aim to take just under a pint (about 470mls) of blood, which works out at no more than 13 per cent of your blood volume. After donation, your body has an amazing capacity to replace all the cells and fluids that have been lost.

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Appointment Booking System

07 September 2021


  • පසුගිය මාසය ඇතුළත ඔබට උණ, කැස්ස, හුස්ම ගැනීමේ අපහසුතා වැනි රෝග ලක්ෂණ වලින් පෙළුනේද?
  • මේ අවස්ථාවේ ඔබගේ නිවසේ උණ, කැස්ස, හුස්ම ගැනීමේ අපහසුතා සහිත පුද්ගලයෙකු වාසය කරන්නේද?
  • පසුගිය මාසය ඇතුළත විදේශගත වූ කෙනෙකු නිවසේ වාසය කළේද?
  • පසුගිය මාසය ඇතුළත විදේශගතව පැමිණි කෙනෙකු සමඟ ඔබ සමීප ඇසුරක් පැවැත්වූයේද?
  • පසුගිය මාස තුන ඇතුළත ඔබ විදේශගත වී තිබේද?

පිළිතුර ඔව් නම් මේ මොහොතේදී ඔබ ලේ දන් දීමට සුදුසු නොවේ.


  • ඔබ කොවිඩ්-19 සඳහා එන්නත(ඔ්නෑම එන්නතක මාත්‍රා දෙකෙන් කුමණ හෝ මාත්‍රාවක්) ලබාගෙන දින 07 කට වඩා වැඩි විය යුතුය. (නමුත් ලේ දන් දීම සඳහා මෙම එන්නත ලබා ගෙන තිබීම අනිවාර්යය නොවේ.)
  • ඔබට කොවිඩ්-19 රෝගය වැළදුනේ නම්, සුව වීමෙන් පසුව දින 28ක් වත් ගතවී තිබිය යුතුය.


  • Over the past month or so have you been seeing symptoms such as fever and coughing?
  • At this time, there is a person living with fever and coughing in your house?
  • During the past month, someone who had gone abroad lived at home?
  • Have you had a close encounter with someone who has been abroad for the past month?
  • Have you been abroad for the past three months?

If Yes, You are not eligiable to donate your blood within this moment



Please click the imgage below visit the "Donors' Appointment Booking System"

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home fact 1in7


100% of Sri Lankan blood donors are voluntory non rermunerated donors.

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Your precious donation of blood can save as many as 3 lives.

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You can donate blood in every 4 months time.

home fact 1pint

14th JUNE

World Blood Donor Day.