Consultative Workshop Organized for Maldivian Blood Service Team

Events & News
WHO supported the participation of four members representing National Blood Council Maldives in a study tour on National Blood Transfusion Services (NBTS) in Sri Lanka. The study tour provided an opportunity for participants to observe and understand how the National Blood Transfusion Service is established. Also how we achieved exclusive 100% voluntary blood donations. This visit provided a platform for the experts of the two countries to share experiences as Maldives plans to establish a nationally coordinated blood transfusion service in the near future.The NBTS is designated as a WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services. During the study tour, participants were able to learn more about the system for voluntary blood donor recruitment, retention and how safe blood and blood products were provided across the country. The participants were also…
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Transmed Project – Kick-off Meeting

Events & News
Kick-off meeting of the Transmed Project held in National Blood Centre at Narahenpita from 20/03/2023 to 22/03/2023. Members from all consortium organizations participated in this meeting.The inaugural session of Kick-off meeting at National Blood Transfusion Service - Sri Lanka commenced with the lighting of the Ceremonial Lamp by the consortium members. Mr. S. Janaka Sri Chandraguptha, Secretary, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. During the kick-off meeting all the partners Refocus, Reshape and Redefine their roles and goals in the implementation of the TRANSMED project.
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